Advertising Options at All Time Favorites
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Prices are based on # of cities and categories you advertise within.
Some categories are $1-3.00/month per city/monthly and or $25-$75/month for nationwide.
For current vendors sign-in to your account
and choose advertising rates from the list of options.
If you have not signed up yet for the trial membership then please sign up here for first-time members
Details of what you get as an advertiser:1. A link from us to you in the categories and cities/states that you are advertising within (in most categories)
2. A short sales pitch to display under your link
3. You can request client name/phone # on leads that you are sent within the categories you advertise.
4. Commissions are still due from clients that you book, however the amount of commission is up to you. Yes, we do expect commissions on the big jobs you book from our site. We reward you with a lot of benefits for sending fair commissions in to us with higher listings on our results pages and many other benefits.
Commission Example: Let's say you are a caterer and you join the system monthly for $15/month (example only) and you pay for 4 months and get your first booking for an event of 300 persons at $22/plate = $6600.00 in general. You have option to send us whatever % commission you feel is fair for that job. The % you send us will give you site a boost above others who do not send in as much. The low monthly fee only covers the basic web links from us to you and some of the software to run the company. We rely on honest, fair commissions to advertise our site and get the large clients to our door.
Current ALEXA rating for as of SEPT 22 2003
We are #1 on for Corporate Event Planning! CLICK HERE TO SEE
What do other vendors say about us? What do clients say?
To make your current advertising payment click here to log-in and go to billing/payment section
Hits according to FastStats Software:
Occasionally, we work with vendors on a pure commission-only basis, but those are now taking about 30-90 days to approve.
Contact us at 651-454-1124 ext 3 to apply.
HOW MANY PEOPLE FILL OUT OUR REQUEST FORMS? HOW MANY HITS?Additional detailed statistics may be available to potential advertisers such as hit counts per page/city/category
Request those from our support department via email to [email protected]
Please keep in mind that requests for additional statistics needs to have the city/state/service category and are done on a time-available basis (sometimes our small staff does not get to these very quickly due to the volume of requests)
The main reason to advertise is to capture the other 60-70% of clients
who do not fill out the on-line request form for services.
An enhanced directory listing is what you are paying for.
HOT News! We are #1 on Google CLICK HERE
Recent Client Comment:
Our server is located in this climate controlled, data center
monitored 24 hours a day from 4 locations across the world.
We are serious about providing excellent service.
No, these are not all our servers.
We own a small rack space of these shown.Additional pages where your advertising can show up on
We offer a complete entertainment and entertainers section of our siteWe also offer a large Catering part of our site
We also offer a photographer-photography part of our site
Check them out!